TalentSpace Feedback app

Anywhere and anytime peer-to-peer feedback and coaching.
2017, Lead Designer

Market opportunity

Instead of ditching the annual performance review, organizations have been shifting the way evaluations are done to meet the needs of their employees. Employees want to have conversations about their performance and development regularly – delivered as a "just in time, just for me, just the way I want it" experience.

Insights from research

A focus group with customers and data collected from user interviews - indicated that the app should be quick and straightforward. Also, the users wanted to get some value for using the app. That resulted in designing feedback cards that allow users to send feedback in seconds and receive bite-sized coaching tips.

Design Challenge

Continuous coaching and ongoing feedback help employees perform to their full potential, improving engagement, retention and productivity. But for most people sharing feedback does not come naturally.

By making it easy to share and receive real-time feedback, employees will always know what's going well and where they can improve.

How might we help employees effortlessly have performance-focused conversations while forming feedback-sharing habits?

The Solution

To address the design challenge, we created an app that enables employees to instantly capture content from email, pictures, chat, and articles to share as part of their conversations with anyone in the organization.

The app helps employees create the habit of delivering and receiving feedback with recommended approaches, reminders, and self-reflection tips.